Miraculous healing, attempted murder, setting up churches, ordaining elders, and a warning that tribulation comes with Christianity. It's all in Acts 14!
Who is this evil man named BarJesus and what happens to him?
Which Herod was this? Which James was this? What does it mean to walk with the Lord?
We heard about the conversion of Saul of Tarsus in Acts 9. Now, in Chapter 10, we will see Peter bring the Gospel to the Gentiles.
Saul of Tarsus had an incredible experience, but he still checked that experience with the Word.
Who was Phillip, a deacon or a disciple? Why did this man Simon ask to receive power? Which Bible was the Ethiopian reading in his carriage? Was it a carriage…
We continue on with our study on the Book of Acts. Who were these seven men chosen to serve the church? Where did they come from?
We continue our study on the Book of Acts, where we learn how everyone was of one heart and one soul, and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.
The disciples were human beings just like all of us, but they had something much more valuable than silver or gold.