Brother Aaron brings from the Old Testament to the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus.
A summary of the First Book of Kings.
Brother Martin Warner is a minister and missionary from Edmonton, Alberta. This is his personal testimony of how the Lord brought him to the place he is now.
The second half of the second book of Samuel tells us about David's son, Absolom, as well as the closing days of David's life.
We saw the rise and fall of Saul in 1 Samuel. Now, we see the rise of King David. Yes, he was a man after God's own heart, but he…
The Book of First Samuel shows Israel's rise from the depths of sin to some of the greatest highlights in the country's history. The rise is led by one of…
The Book of Ruth is a story of tragedy, love, and irony. And, we see the lineage of King David come through the most unlikely person.