Brother Eliezer Castillo from Jericho Tabernacle in Phoenix.
We all have to give to Caesar what is Caesar's, but what about God? What about how you live your life? The clothes you wear? The music you listen to?…
The story of Zaccheaus and how salvation came to his house. Salvation comes by the hands of different people. Will it come to a home by you?
Moses smote the rock, and it was one of the worst mistakes he had ever made. But, the people still drank.
All doctrines, all teaching, all worship, all testimonies, all healings should have one goal in mind: a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.
Legalism divides and destroys. In Acts 15 and Galatians, Paul is standing against this doctrine that does nothing more than hurt God's people.
Brother Daniel Evans was elected and ordained pastor.
The influence of a father is undeniable: 63% of suicides, 71% of high school dropouts, 75% of youths in rehab centers, 80% of all rapists, 85% of youths in prison…
If you don't reach out to the lost, who will?
God always delivers, but most of the time it is not what we have in mind.