Every person has their own idea of how things should be, but are those images that we have created in our minds the way God has ordained things to be?
Jesus grew in Spirit and stature. Will you allow Him to do the same in your heart?
God gives us signs throughout our lives, but don't stop at the sign. Continue on with your eyes set on Christ.
"I don’t care how sincere you are, take man for your leader instead of the Holy Spirit to confirm this Word, that’s the hour you die! "
One source of sin in our lives is enough to keep us out of the Kingdom. If that is the case, who then can enter into the Kingdom?
There will be good times and bad times, but we should praise the Lord no matter what life holds.
Hosea showed the love of Christ as he followed God's leading and married a woman who would not be considered worthy of a prophet.
The story of the wayward son and prayers of a loving father.
Brother Eliezer Castillo is a minister at Jericho Tabernacle in Phoenix.
When you make a choice and choose a path to walk in, then you must walk in that path. God will be there for you, but you're still on the…