Guest minister, Brother Ryan Long, preaches on the importance of seeing things from other people's perspectives.
Pastor Daniel Evans ministers on how we use our time and how we should be using our time.
Pastor Daniel Evans expounds upon building our foundations on solid ground. James 1:22-23 and Matthew 7:21-29.
Many go out into the world. Some go unknowingly, some go purposely. How do we handle their going?
Pastor Daniel Evans ministers on the rich young ruler and if he would have only worked out his own salvation through fear and trembling.
Brother Eliezer ministers on the battle in the mind.
Anyone can watch a sunset, but it takes an effort to watch a sunrise.
Brother Ryan Long is a minister at Flagstaff Tabernacle in Flagstaff, Arizona.
We conclude our study on the Book of Hebrews with the closing two chapters.
The great warriors of faith all had one thing in common; they put their faith in action.