The cornerstone did not look like the builders thought it should look, so they rejected it.
We are only on earth for a short time. What impact will we have while we are here?
Peter failed many times, but he had a much different attitude than Judas.
The prayer of a true believer is fervent and meaningful. When we reach that level is when we will see results.
There has never been a time in history where slavery has been so widespread as today. The sad thing is that so few people know they are slaves.
There were three crosses at Calvary. Put yourself in the position of the thief on the right.
Brother Eliezer Castillo is a minister from Jericho Tabernacle in Phoenix, AZ.
You can't only remove sin from your life; you need to replace it with something else.
The influence of Jehoiada the priest.
Jesus prayed that His disciples would be one as He and the Father are one. It's quite a thought.