Guiding principles help us to stay the course, but they are not the final destination.
The ostrich and the eagle: which one are you?
The love of a mother is beyond measure, but the love of God is even greater.
Judge not that ye be not judged should be applied to our everyday lives.
Adam's disobedience caused many to sin. Achan's disobedience caused many to sin. The obedience of Christ changed it all.
It's not always the traditional sins that prevent us from receiving a new birth. Sometimes it's our doctrines.
The denominational spirit is what the prophet preached against. It seems to have returned.
There is not only a resurrection of the dead, but there is also a resurrection of hope.
Every seat at the Lord's table will be filled. It might surprise you who is there and who isn't.
When you look at me, you are not seeing the real me. God looks at us and sees the real person.