The second half of the second book of Samuel tells us about David's son, Absolom, as well as the closing days of David's life.
We saw the rise and fall of Saul in 1 Samuel. Now, we see the rise of King David. Yes, he was a man after God's own heart, but he…
The Book of Ruth is a story of tragedy, love, and irony. And, we see the lineage of King David come through the most unlikely person.
The Book of Joshua is the first of the historic books in the Bible. Brother Lyle Johnson brings us through the entire book in one hour.
The first enforcement of the Law, Balaam the hireling prophet, and so much more.
We continue on our Bible series as Brother Lyle Johnson gives an overview of the Book of Exodus.
Brother Lyle Johnson summarizes the second half of Genesis in our Wednesday Bible Study.
Brother Lyle Johnson gives a summary of the second half of the Book of Acts, and wraps up nine months of study.
Paul and Luke, along with 274 others, are on a doomed ship in the Mediterranean. Brother Lyle tells us about where they came from, where they were headed, the problems…