Pastor Daniel Evans ministers on how we use our time and how we should be using our time.
Pastor Daniel Evans expounds upon building our foundations on solid ground. James 1:22-23 and Matthew 7:21-29.
Pastor Daniel Evans goes through the second half of the Book of Daniel
Many go out into the world. Some go unknowingly, some go purposely. How do we handle their going?
Adam Gonzalez is an inmate in an Arizona prison. His mother and sister attend the Tucson Tabernacle. Pastor Daniel Evans reads his testimony to the congregation.
We continue our journey through the Bible with Daniel Chapters 3, 4, and 5.
Pastor Daniel Evans ministers on the rich young ruler and if he would have only worked out his own salvation through fear and trembling.
We begin our series on the Book of Daniel with the first two chapters.
Communion Service
We continue with our Wednesday Bible study with the Book of Ezekiel.