Pastor Daniel Evans addresses recent newspaper articles and continues with the series on the Book of James.
We begin a series on the Book of James with Chapter 1. The seed is planted both by God and the devil. Which one will come to maturity?
Christ voted for me. The devil voted against me. How I cast my vote decides my eternal destination.
We continue our journey through the Bible with a summary of the Book of Micah.
Brothers Lyle Johnson and Daniel Evans team up to teach on the Book of Jonah.
Brother Daniel explains how the Pharisees preached a good sermon, but their lives reflected something different.
We continue our journey through the Bible with the Book of Obadiah.
People may claim to be atheist, but everyone has religion of some sort.
Brother Lyle Johnson continues our journey through the Bible with the Book of Amos.
We continue our journey through the Bible with the Book of Joel.