Guest Minister: Brother Ryan Long
Tucson Tabernacle 2555 N Stone Ave, Tucson, AZBrother Ryan Long is a minister at Flagstaff Tabernacle in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Brother Ryan Long is a minister at Flagstaff Tabernacle in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Services are at Shalom Tabernacle Morning Service starts at 10:00 Evening Service starts at 4:00
Brother Aaron Guerra leading worship.
This will be a dinner in honor of our brothers and sisters from the Tucson Tabernacle over 70, with spouses over 70, widows, widowers, and military veterans. We've received so […]
We will be starting a series on the Book of James. Brother Josiah Aho leading worship.
Brother Aaron Guerra leading worship
Brother Aaron Guerra leading worship
We'll start at 7:00pm. Youth ages 13 and up.
The Book of James Chapter 2. Brother Josiah Aho leading worship.
There will be no evening service.