Guest Minister: Brother Jon Davis
Tucson Tabernacle 2555 N Stone Ave, Tucson, AZBrother Jon is a minister from Anchorage, Alaska. Brother Josiah Aho leading worship.
Shalom Tabernacle Anniversary Meetings
Assemblies of God Church 1749 E Broadway, Tucson, arLocation is the Assemblies of God Church near Shalom Tabernacle. Service starts at 7:00, light dinner served afterward.
Shalom Tabernacle Anniversary Meetings
Assemblies of God Church 1749 E Broadway, Tucson, arLocation is at the Assemblies of God Church near Shalom Tabernacle. Morning Service starts at 10:00. Lunch served afterward. Evening Service starts at 6:00. Light dinner served afterward.
Guest Minister: Brother Ryan Long
Tucson Tabernacle 2555 N Stone Ave, Tucson, AZBrother Ryan Long is a minister at Flagstaff Tabernacle in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Shalom Tabernacle Anniversary Meetings
Shalom Tabernacle 2102 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ, United StatesServices are at Shalom Tabernacle Morning Service starts at 10:00 Evening Service starts at 4:00
Brother Noel Johnson: The Book of Habakkuk
Tucson Tabernacle 2555 N Stone Ave, Tucson, AZBrother Aaron Guerra leading worship.
Veterans Dinner
Tucson Tabernacle 2555 N Stone Ave, Tucson, AZThis will be a dinner in honor of our brothers and sisters from the Tucson Tabernacle over 70, with spouses over 70, widows, widowers, and military veterans. We've received so much from you, and we want to give a little back.
Brother Daniel Evans
Tucson Tabernacle 2555 N Stone Ave, Tucson, AZWe will be starting a series on the Book of James. Brother Josiah Aho leading worship.