Bro. Daniel Evans: Acts, Chapter 22
Tucson Tabernacle 2555 N Stone Ave, Tucson, AZPaul, standing before those who are about to kill him, gives his own testimony of how the Lord Jesus met him on the road.
Paul, standing before those who are about to kill him, gives his own testimony of how the Lord Jesus met him on the road.
The Tucson Tabernacle will observe the Lord's Supper on Sunday evening, September 3.
We see Paul’s personality come out at the beginning of this chapter. We see his wisdom in dealing with the Jews, and even picking a fight between the two major factions of the religious systems of that day. And, like always, we see the Jews conspiring to kill Paul simply because his doctrine didn’t match […]
Brother Daniel Evans will preach on Sunday morning, then we will have a potluck following. The new youth room will be open for the first time. There will be no evening service. You can sign up for the potluck at this link: Potluck Sign Up
Brother Aaron Guerra leading worship
The Tabernacle will be hosting a church retreat at Wilderness Ranch, near Pinetop Arizona. The event will begin on Friday at noon, and go through Sunday afternoon. If you need a ride from the Tabernacle to the camp, please contact Brother Daniel Evans (see contact information below). The camp has accommodations for sleeping, showers, etc. […]
There will be no service this Sunday (9/17) because of the Family Camp. Schedule: Service on Sunday morning, Sep 10. No evening service Sep 10. Normal service Wednesday, Sep 13. No morning or evening service on Sunday, Sep 17. Normal service on Wednesday, Sep 20.
Brother Aaron Guerra leading worship