Bro Daniel Evans: Legalism, The Doctrine of Division
Tucson Tabernacle 2555 N Stone Ave, Tucson, AZBrother Daniel will be ministering on Galatians 1 and Acts 15, how legalism can destroy fellowship.
Brother Daniel will be ministering on Galatians 1 and Acts 15, how legalism can destroy fellowship.
Brother Aaron will be ministering on how many times the Bible uses the word, except.
Brother Daniel Evans will be preaching the first of the three-day meetings in Bayard, NM. The theme of the meetings is "The Rock in the Wilderness." Services will be bilingual. July 14, 2023 – Service starts at 7:00pm. July 15, 2023 – Service starts at 12:00pm. July 16, 2023 – Service starts at 11:00am. Followed […]
We are having AC problems in the church, so there will be no service on Wednesday, July 19.