Brother Daniel Evans: Sunday Morning
Brother Daniel Evans will be preaching the Sunday morning service. We will be taking our first offering, where we will pass the offering basket through the congregation.
Brother Daniel Evans will be preaching the Sunday morning service. We will be taking our first offering, where we will pass the offering basket through the congregation.
Brother Daniel Evans will be preaching the Sunday evening service. We will continue our series on the Book of Acts.
Brother Lyle will continue our study on the Book of Acts with Chapter 6.
Brother Daniel Evans will bring the Sunday morning message.
Brother Aaron Mcgeary will be preaching the Friday evening service, Daniel Evans Saturday evening, and Steve Robson Sunday morning. Please contact Bro. Daniel Evans if you are planning on attending. Friday: 7:00PM Saturday: 6:00PM Sunday: 10:00AM
Brother Jonathan will bring the Sunday morning message.
Brother Daniel will bring the evening message on the Book of Acts, Chapter 9.
Brother Daniel Evans will continue our study on the Book of Acts on Wednesday evening.