The Dangers of Smartphones
Tucson Tabernacle 2555 N Stone Ave, Tucson, AZBrother Mark Aho will be giving a presentation on the dangers of smartphones. We will start at 7:00 Monday evening in the sanctuary at Tucson Tabernacle.
Brother Mark Aho will be giving a presentation on the dangers of smartphones. We will start at 7:00 Monday evening in the sanctuary at Tucson Tabernacle.
Brother Aaron Guerra leading worship
Brother Josiah Aho leading worship
Brother Jordan Peterson leading worship.
Brother Aaron Guerra leading worship
Brother Josiah Aho leading worship
Brother Michael Wolters leading worship
We will be outside, in the courtyard of the Tucson Tabernacle. Worship starts at 7:30 (sunset). Upper Room will be open after worship. Gathering ends at 10:00PM. Please contact Daniel Evans Jr for details. Hotel rooms are available at the Holiday Inn Express at 620 E Wetmore Road. 520.202.5000. Mention the Tucson Tabernacle for a […]
Brother Josiah Aho leading worship