My Testimony: Brother Martin Warner
Tucson Tabernacle 2555 N Stone Ave, Tucson, AZMartin Warner gives his personal testimony. Aaron Guerra leading worship.
Martin Warner gives his personal testimony. Aaron Guerra leading worship.
Brother Aaron Guerra leading worship
Brother Josiah Aho leading worship.
Brother Aaron Guerra leading worship
Brother Jordan Peterson leading worship.
March 1-3: Jerusalem Tabernacle Anniversary Meetings 7:00PM Friday, March 1 6:00PM Saturday, March 2 10:00AM Sunday, March 3 5768 S. Fontana Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85706
Brother Josiah Aho leading worship
There will be no service at the Tabernacle this evening. Please join us in attending Love Divine Fellowship's evening service at 5:00PM. 2901 S Pantano Road, Tucson, AZ 85730
Brother Aaron Guerra leading worship
The upper room will be open for unmarried youth ages 16 and up. Ages 13 to 15 are welcome to attend if they have an attending sibling over age 16 (so they have a ride). Please contact Daniel Evans Jr for details.