The gathering will start at 6:00PM, with hotdogs and hamburgers. We will have a short Bible study after supper, and then fellowship until 10:00PM. All youth are welcome; there are no age restrictions on this gathering. Parents of youth who cannot drive are also welcome to attend.
Crossroads at silverbell district park
6180 W Mamie Kai Drive, Tucson, AZ
Join us for volleyball at Crossroads at Silverbell District Park, #2. We will provide pizza, but drinks, desserts, and side dishes are welcome. For more information, contact Jeremy and Angela Baggett.
Crossroads at silverbell district park
6180 W Mamie Kai Drive, Tucson, AZ
Join us for volleyball and a potluck at Crossroads at Silverbell District Park. For more information, contact Jeremy and Angela Baggett. Please sign up at the potluck link: sign up for dishes
A celebration of the life of Brother Sammy Merriott will be held at the Tucson Tabernacle on Saturday, March 18, at 3:00. Please join the Merriott family as we commemorate the life of a beloved member of the Body of our Lord Jesus. We will have snacks and drinks afterward in the fellowship hall.
Lyle and Heather Johnson
246 E Canyon View Drive, Tucson, AZ, United States
All Tabernacle youth ages 13 and up are invited to a bonfire at the home of Bro. Lyle and Sis. Heather. There will be a taco bar and an ice cream bar, so come out to enjoy some awesome food and great fellowship. Bring your instruments for singing and worship. Please sign up for the […]