Wednesday Evening Tape: 55-0117 How The Angel Came To Me And His Commission

Brother Branham preached this sermon on Monday night, January 17, 1955, in Chicago, at Lane Tech High School. He gives the testimony of how the Angel met him in an old trapping cabin, north of Jeffersonville Indiana, near Tunnel Mill. For time sake, we will begin the sermon at 14 minutes and 30 seconds, and […]

Church Meeting

Topics: Sunday School, Themes, Youth Activities, Family Camp, Upper Room (Youth), Easter Potluck at 5:00. Meeting at 6:00.  


We will start a series of monthly interviews with eyewitnesses of Brother Branham's ministry. Brother Bobby Weerts will be talking about his family's experience with the prophet.

Youth Gathering

Tucson Tabernacle 2555 N Stone Ave, Tucson, AZ

The gathering will start at 6:00PM, with hotdogs and hamburgers. We will have a short Bible study after supper, and then fellowship until 10:00PM. All youth are welcome; there are no age restrictions on this gathering. Parents of youth who cannot drive are also welcome to attend.


Crossroads at silverbell district park 6180 W Mamie Kai Drive, Tucson, AZ

Join us for volleyball at Crossroads at Silverbell District Park, #2. We will provide pizza, but drinks, desserts, and side dishes are welcome. For more information, contact Jeremy and Angela Baggett.