Crossroads at silverbell district park 6180 W Mamie Kai Drive, Tucson, AZAll are welcome, so invite your friends. We'll eat at 7:00. Please sign up for a dish or drinks on the potluck link. Potluck Signup
All are welcome, so invite your friends. We'll eat at 7:00. Please sign up for a dish or drinks on the potluck link. Potluck Signup
We will have our normal Sunday morning service, but Sunday evening service will be canceled to give the dads a little well-earned rest and fellowship with their families.
The Tucson Tabernacle will be hosting a reception for all who would like to attend in honor of Sister Green. The Tabernacle fellowship hall will be open at 2:30. Food […]
We will vote on the official pastor position during this election. The vote will happen at the beginning of service, so votes can be counted and the results presented to […]
Brother Lyle will be ministering on the Book of Acts, Chapter 2.
Items for discussion 1. September Family Camp 2. Youth Room Project: clear out room, clean, paint, assemble games/furniture, etc. 3. Brainstorm Ideas for Men's Meetings: activity planning, outreach, Bible Study, […]
Brother Daniel will be ministering on Galatians 1 and Acts 15, how legalism can destroy fellowship.
Brother Aaron will be ministering on how many times the Bible uses the word, except.