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Brother Daniel Evans
Tucson Tabernacle 2555 N Stone Ave, Tucson, AZThe Book of James Chapter 5 Brother Josiah Aho leading worship
Brother Daniel Evans
Tucson Tabernacle 2555 N Stone Ave, Tucson, AZDaniel Evans Jr leading worship
Brother Daniel Evans: The Book of Malachi
Tucson Tabernacle 2555 N Stone Ave, Tucson, AZJosiah Aho leading worship
Brother Daniel Evans
Tucson Tabernacle 2555 N Stone Ave, Tucson, AZChristmas Message. Choir will be singing and there will be a play from the youth. Brother Josiah Aho leading worship
Church Christmas Dinner (Potluck)
Tucson Tabernacle 2555 N Stone Ave, Tucson, AZWe will have a meal immediately following service. Sister Rachel Peterson is coordinating.
No Evening Service
There will be no Sunday evening service.
Brother Daniel Evans
Tucson Tabernacle 2555 N Stone Ave, Tucson, AZNo Evening Service
There will be no evening service.